Okay I have to start this post out by saying that I don't mind people looking and asking about Judah. Having said that **IT IS NOT OKAY TO TOUCH MY BABY'S FACE OR HANDS**
Really it's just gross. The other day I went to my local Kroger to pick up a few things for dinner and Judah and I were just strolling along. Out of no where I hear " Hi! How are you?" I turned around to see this woman and man approaching me.
I totally fell for it. She was from the bank located inside the store. DUN DUN DUN! I HATE to be rude but I kindly tried to shake her off but she continued on this long rant about how ALL BIG BANKS are the devil. Well, not the devil but you get my drift. I told her that I wansn't really interested and that is when she she started talking to my baby.
Then the unthinkable!!! She reached out and grabbed his hand! I don't understand why people do this. Who does that??!!?
First of all lady you work in a bank. You handle money all day and probably don't wash your hands after each time. The money that you touch has more than likely been in some stripper's underwear, in a drug dealers hand, or in some nasty sweaty disgusting place. THEN you touch my sons hands of all things.
Hey smarty pants, guess where he puts his hands.... IN HIS MOUTH!!! I was so annoyed. I quickly took a wipe out and cleaned his hands as quickly as I could. Gross.
Okay, rant over. If this is you... and you just have to touch! Touch his knee, please.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Things that I have learned
It's official. In just a few days my baby will be six months old. I know that I say this all the time but where has the time gone. Seriously. Days seem to somehow blend together.
Well, I have learned so much in the past six months.
* there is nothing like the feeling of love that you get when your child looks up at you and gives you the sweetest toothless smile. It really is amazing
* that no matter how deep of a sleep I am in. I can hear even the slightest of whimper from Judah
* I can make a bottle and change a diaper and burp a baby in a zombie like state
* there is nothing that I wouldn't do for little one
* sometimes it isn't that glamorous but I do it all for this little guy
* that nap times are "get-everything-else-done" time
* Judah has the best daddy in the world
* Silence is Golden! :)
Well, I have learned so much in the past six months.
I have learned that:
* there is nothing like the feeling of love that you get when your child looks up at you and gives you the sweetest toothless smile. It really is amazing
* that no matter how deep of a sleep I am in. I can hear even the slightest of whimper from Judah
* I can make a bottle and change a diaper and burp a baby in a zombie like state
* there is nothing that I wouldn't do for little one
* sometimes it isn't that glamorous but I do it all for this little guy
* that nap times are "get-everything-else-done" time
* Judah has the best daddy in the world
* Silence is Golden! :)
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Me and the Mr.
This Austin trip was SO nice. Not that I was anything fancy but just that we got to get away and enjoy each others company. It was some much needed time away.
Here we are in our hotel room.. We had just arrived and David was already acting silly.
Here we are in our hotel room.. We had just arrived and David was already acting silly.
Refurbished Window $3
I am finally getting around to posting this. This is a window that I bought at a flea market a couple of months ago. I wish that I could remember to take before and after pictures but anyway. This window was DIRTY. It was caked in old dirt and dust and I wasn't really sure how it would come out.
So I paid $3 for the window and carted it home not really sure what I was going to do with it. Got home, washed it and scrubbed the windows.
Then I found this poem online and decided that it would be perfect so I took a permenent marker and wrote it out on the glass... don't worry if you decide to do something similar perm. marker comes off with a little alcohol.
So I paid $3 for the window and carted it home not really sure what I was going to do with it. Got home, washed it and scrubbed the windows.
Then I found this poem online and decided that it would be perfect so I took a permenent marker and wrote it out on the glass... don't worry if you decide to do something similar perm. marker comes off with a little alcohol.
Mommy's Little Man
It's been a long while since I have posted any pictures of my sugar. Well, here are a few to start with. :) This was us just relaxing in bed...thinking about breakfast.
Let's see. We are now way more vocal than before and Judah is learning what will get mommy and daddy's attention. Like yelling or doing this dramatic no tears cry WITH the puckered lip.... and mommy is a SUCKER for that puckered lip let me tell you.
Only a couple more days till this little guy is 6 months old.
Where did the time go?
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Frank- Austin TX
I am finally getting around to posting the pictures of the trip to Austin. Let me start by saying that hubby and I had a great time. It was nice to get away and enjoy each others company. A part of our trip was trying out these places that we found online. We don't know anyone in Austin so we were trying these places with blinders on.
Okay let me tell you, if you are ever in Austin, you HAVE to try this hotdog place called Frank. OMG it was good. The inside of the restaurant was unique as you can tell by the ceiling fan... the atmosphere in this place was so cool and laid back.
This is me drinking my water out of a mason jar... cute I know. This was on the day that we arrived. Lunch. Yummy.
Speaking of yummy. This is my hubby David. And that's me in the reflection of his glasses. :)
This yummy dish was the appetizer. Making my mouth drool just looking at the picture. This was the house special: waffle fries topped with cheese, avocado pico de gallo, and smoked pork!!! Oh it was good.
This was dessert. A homemade chocolate chip cookie topped with sugar crusted bacon. Need I say more!
For David: a Chicago dog. Hot dog, pickle,onion, tomatoes, relish and peppers and celery salt. I tasted it... yep it was goooooood.
For me: the nacho dog. Get ready for this. Hot dog, beans, cheese, pico de gallo, jalapenos, and sour
cream. This by far was the best hot dog that I have ever had.
This place was well worth the trip. Food was great and the prices were reasonable.
Superman blanket
The other day I ran across this article on how to create a chenille blanket so I headed out to Hancock Fabrics and bought the materials that I needed. I bought a yard and a quarter of each of the following materials.
1.25 yards of :
Superman flannel fabric
yellow cotton fabric
black cotton fabric
blue striped fabric
red striped fabric
2 pkgs of finishing tape- I know that's not what it's called but its the black edging
In order to get the desired effect, there are a few things that you have to do...I really wish I would have taken pictures, but anyway...Start by laying all of your materials down in the order that you want them. I used the floor since I don't have that big of a work space. After all of the material is layered the way that you want it it's time to pin it down. I used a big safety pin in the middle and then safety pins on each corner.
Once that is done draw a diagnal line from one corner to the other. This will help you with your first line. Now the fun part, sew the diagnal line down.
I learned that there is not an exact way to measure so I eyeballed the next line. I sewed the next line about half an inch from the first one... and then keep going until you reach the end of one side and then sew your lines on the other side.

Once that is done you are going to want to cut down the edges using a rotatory cutter to make all the sides even. Now the cutting, CAREFULLY sip your scissors through the ends leaving only the back in tact. Cut in between each sew. Next pin the edging on an sew on. I sewed two lines just to reinforce the stitch. The wash. The cut side will fray a little and get even softer and more frayed with each time washed.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
I am officially annoyed. As you may have noticed all -except for the ones I have fixed-my pictures are now empty black boxed. I don't really know what happened but all of the pictures that I uploaded have now disappeared.
I will try to get these back but I have no idea know which ones I used so... sorry. Hopefully what ever is wrong will magically fix itself.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
I was online this afternoon and I ran across a post from a mom talking about her ;frustrations as a mother. Her post title said something like -please don't judge me. She went on to describe how on her way out of the house her 4 month old daughter was screaming her head off and could not get her to calm down. She put her in the car and thought that the car ride might soothe her. Well, it didn't work and her daughter kept screaming. She turned around and went back home where she said that she was so frustrated and started screaming at her daughter. I'm in no way saying that I condone what she did but I can understand where she is coming from.
Unfortunately, when my son was born his manual stayed in my womb. Who knew that I knew so little about parenting. Being a first time mom is something amazing, loving and exhausting all at the same time. I would never have thought that I would have to visit my son in the hospital for the first two months of his life. When he got home there was no sleeping for me. I stayed awake in the middle of the night just watching my son's chest rise and fall. There were nights when I cried right along with Judah.
Now five months later it has gotten easier but there are days. There are days that I am half asleep fumbling around for a diaper or his bottle. There are days that I want to reach over and shove daddy off of the bed for sleeping so well while I'm up. There are days that I am do tired that I look forward to a hot shower like its a day at the spa. But at the end of the day I am in love..I am in love with this little man that grins and smiles at me the moment that he sees me in the morning...with the way that he holds my finger when I feed him...and with this I am reminded that it its all worth it.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Friday Night Date
Well this Friday night date night was a little different than the ones before. To start Friday was just hectic I mean it was just a crazy busy day. Judah caught his first cold so he was feeling miserable and I did't blame him. He was so stuffy and was running a fever. Well the night consisted of inhaling a pizza while simatamiously rocking my baby. Then a warm bath for Judah, rub down with vicks for baby, bottle then off to sleep in mommys room where the humidifier was going full blast. And no he did not get the memo that it was time to sleep. He cried for a few minutes then fell asleep in my arms (which is the best by the way) then I laid down too. Now the plan was to put him down and then spend time with David but I was SO tired! He pretty much slept through the night except for a few times that I had to get up and suction his nose- no fun for either of us.
This is how the whole weekend went. Trying to keep him comfortable while trying to do what I needed to. I wouldn't trade it for the world.
So our trip is coming up and I can't wait. I'm looking foward to spending time with the hubby.
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