Over the past several months, so many things have changed. In a nut shell husband is now ex-husband. Or will be in the next week or so. These past months have been pretty challenging. Judah had seriously been sick off and on since November and just last weekend I had to take him to the emergency room...diagnosed with pneumonia. :( Boo for that. But he is much better now after a good dose of antibiotics this last week. Thankfully Spring is right around the corner so hopefully no more gross germs.
Ummm... I'm currently living with my sister and her family, but come April Judah and I are off on our own!! I'm beyond excited. I think we are both ready to be in our own place. I've been planning like a mad woman. My little hands can't wait to start decorating. :)
As far as the separation/divorce go, I won't talk much about it here. But for the record, Judah's dad is a really great dad. He really loves our son. Despite the fact that we are no longer together, I'm blessed in that he loves and cares for Judah very much.
So begins the adventures of mommy and baby.