For the past several days I have been really struggling with the fact that the life that I once knew is pretty much over. Some days are better than others. Some weeks I'm fine. I'm happy and content with spending my days with my handsome little man. But then there are days and weeks for that matter that are just plain hard.
A friend, who also recently went through a divorce, said that the first year or so will be the hardest to deal with and I could not agree more. So far Thanksgiving and Christmas were pretty tough. Especially around my brothers and sisters, seeing them together, happy, enjoying each other. Judah's birthday is the next big event with us.
I really don't know how to even precede with planning and all that good stuff. Things are okay between dad and I, but I don't know if I'm ready to celebrate things together I've talked to a few people that say that getting along and even trying things out together just makes things easier all around. I don't think that I am ready just yet. I don't really know what I'm going to do.
But anyway, I think that this move will be good for me. Maybe it will help get my mind off of some things and focused on the more positive things in my life.
On another note, Judah will be starting daycare next month when I move. I'm a big baby and just might cry more than he will. I'm excited that he will make new friends and have a environment that will stimulate his thinking. :)