This morning I got up as usual to get ready for work. Turned off the alarm and went to the bathroom *TMI WARNING* and saw that I was bleeding a little. Okay so I start to freak out and pray at the same time. As soon as the doctors office opened I called and let them know what was going on. They checked with the nurse and she wanted me to come in and see her as soon as possible. My appointment was set for 10:00. I laid back down for a minute and told *D* what was going on. *D* being the person that he is just said "honey we have trusted God all along this journey, He will take care of us- don't worry" and said a prayer. Well then I got up and we left the house. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to go with me since it was so last minute. The drive up to the doctors office, which is about an hour away just seemed sooo much longer than usual. I sat in the parking lot and prayed and talked to the baby too, told him/her not to be scaring me and that everything would be a good mom if they just stuck with me. When I got in there they take me back right away and the nurse she is so sweet starts by telling me that sometimes you can't see a heartbeat or see one so soon so if I didn't not to panic. DEEP BREATH and hold. And there it was just as beautiful as I imagined our little baby with its little beating heart!!!! Then I got to hear the heartbeat, I was literally speechless!! Next and last appointment with our RE set for Dec 17th.
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