Tuesday, February 22, 2011

February 22, 2011

This by far has been the best time.  Its so surreal.  Sometimes i look back at all that we went through and all I can do it thank God for allowing us to get pregnant.  Well its been a few days since the last time that I've blogged, well okay more than a couple of days.  Well the stress level is WAY down!  Finally got everything settled in and put away.  And I think that I'm passed the feeling of being nervous about the baby.  I cant believe how fast the time is going by.  Almost March.  I went to the doctor on the 16th and got some routine blood work done,  and got to hear the heartbeat again.  Beating at 150 bpm.  I got a call from the doctor today with the lab results of the blood work that she took last appointment and I am happy to report that everything is GREAT!!!   My tummy is getting bigger.  Oh yea and the other day I felt the baby move for the very first time :D It was so sweet.  Everyone was telling me that it would feel like butterflies.  Well for me getting butterflies means getting the feeling that i might vomit.  SOOOO. Didn't quite understand it but then... I felt it.  Ahhhhhh.  To me it felt like the twitching that my eye gets sometimes.  I cant believe that we get to find out if its a girl or a boy next month.

So the other day I went shopping for some maternity clothes.  Not as fun as I initially thought.  I went to several stores and nothing.  Either the clothes were too small or they were too big.  or super expensive.  I found kid to kid :)  great store.  I think that this is where I will do most of my shopping.

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